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How we started

Band Fields was born from a desire to create a beautiful, ethical, eco-conscious business that could be truly kind. A business that looked after its employees and partners, that treated the environment with more of the care it deserves and that focused on the physical and mental wellbeing of everyone involved.

This desire, paired up with a vision for sustainable, inclusive and beautiful clothes made it possible. These ideas had been gestating for quite some time before they bubbled up to the surface and became the brand that it is today.

Dreams were becoming reality until Covid-19 hit the world with its claws of uncertainty. More of a blessing in disguise, it became an opportunity to focus and listen to what the world was asking for: kindness. This moment became a clean slate in many ways and it’s given us a chance to emerge with a clearer path towards what we want for the world now and in the future. It’s been amazing to see our ideas dovetailing with the needs of the many.

The clothes that Band Fields creates are a representation of this new era of higher appreciation for one another; and a peace offering to our world. We truly believe we have been given the chance to show that we can do better as human beings and that we can conduct our businesses in a more conscientious way.

We look forward to welcoming you all into our world.



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